We are very pleased to announce that a new date for our Conference has been set. It will take place from September 8-10, 2021.
All submitted applications and abstracts will remain valid. Thank you for your willingness and readiness to come to us. If necessary, please feel free to contact us (cent.phil.nat@uni.lodz.pl).
Really looking forward seeing you next year.
We wish you all the best
Yours sincerely
Conference Organizing Committee
The conference will be held at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Lodz.
The fee for participation in the conference is 100 Euro for participants from abroad and 350 PLN for guests from Polish institutions. The costs of travel and accommodation are covered by the participants.
Professor Tomasz Stegliński, PhD (chairman of the Organizing Committee)
Bartosz Żukowski, PhD (secretary of the conference)
Marcin Leszczyński, MA