• Prof. Lucyna Domańska z Instytutu Archeologii UŁ uhonorowana tytułem „Distinguished Researcher”


Prof. Lucyna Domańska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz) has been honoured by the Institute of Korean Prehistory with the “Distinguished Researcher” title. The title is awarded to the scientists who are internationally renowned for their great and original contribution to academic knowledge and whose work contributes to the development of the scientific discipline they represent.

This is yet another honour for Professor Lucyna Domańska from the Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz, working with the Institute of Korean Prehistory.

Prof. Lucyna Domańska

Cooperation with the Institute of Korean Prehistory

Cooperation with the Institute of Korean Prehistory was established in 2000. Students of the University of Lodz Institute of Archaeology, who were also active in the Society of Friends of the Korean Nation, were initiators of this cooperation. The interest in the country was associated with a desire to learn more about the oldest settlements in Southeast Asia.

An archaeological site

Thanks to the help of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Seoul and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Warsaw, the students' application was sent to Korean universities. The positive response came from the Chungbuk National University. In the same year, Professor LEE Yung-jo came to Lodz with a group of students and doctoral students from the aforementioned university.

A cooperation agreement was signed between the Chungbuk National University and the University of Lodz in 2006. Institute of Archaeology was the main contractor for the contract on the part of our university. The contract covered the period from 2006 to 2010. It provided for, among others: joint seminars and conferences, exchanges of academics and students.

The contract was supplemented by an agreement ('Agreement for cooperation between Institute of Korean Prehistory, Republic of Korea and Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz, Poland') signed on 30 June 2007. The agreement is automatically renewed every 5 years.

A photo of the conference participants in Korea

A delegation from the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Lodz for the first time participated in the conference series "Suyanggae and Her Neighbours" in 2001. In the years that followed, these conferences became the main forum for the exchange of experiences in Stone Age research in Eurasia.

A series of international conferences entitled  "Suyanggae and Her Neighbours" was initiated by Prof LEE Yung-jo in 1996. The name of the conference refers to the Palaeolithic workshops which were discovered in Suyanggae, located in the central part of the Korean peninsula.

Suyanggae International Symposium Executive Committee headed by Prof Lee Yung-jo is responsible for organising the conference. One of the co-chairs of this Committee is Professor Lucyna Domańska. These conferences have been organised by various scientific centres in Asia, Europe and the USA. The Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz was the organiser of these meetings in 2006 and 2014.

Award of the prize

The 25th anniversary of the “Suyanggae and Her Neighbours” conference in South Korea was celebrated in 2022. The celebrations accompanied the 70th anniversary of Chungbuk National University. Only Korean archaeologists took part in the celebrations. Due to the ongoing problems with the pandemic, scholars from other countries took part in the event in the online form.

A photo of the conference participants in Korea

During the aforementioned ceremonies, the Chungbuk National University authorities and the Management of the Institute of Korean Prehistory decided to honour non-Korean scholars with a major contribution to the development of scientific cooperation between Korean centres and research teams at their home universities. This group included Professor Lucyna Domańska from the Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz.

Her name was placed on a plaque commemorating the 70th anniversary of Chungbuk National University and she was awarded the Distinguished Researcher title. As part of the Professor's contribution to the development of cooperation with South Korea, particularly her active participation in the organisation of the “Suyanggae and Her Neighbours” conferences, which have become an important global forum for the exchange of information on Stone Age research, was highlighted. Prof. Lucyna Domańska has also held other positions in scientific institutions in South Korea, such as a scientific advisor at the Gawaji Rice Museum and consultant in field research, among others, at the Suyanggae site.

Together with Professor Lucyna Domańska, students and doctoral students from the Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz participated in the following conferences within the series “Suyanggae and Her Neighbours”.

University of Lodz awarded Prof. LEE Yung-jo the "Universitatis Lodiensis Amico" medal for his contribution to the development of cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Lodz and the promotion of our university in Asian scientific circles in 2014.


Source: Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz