National Science Centre has announced results of their leading competitions – OPUS and PRELUDIUM. Among 213 financed projects there are 11 OPUS proposals for research projects submitted by the scientists from the University of Lodz and 3 PRELUDIUM grants. Polish researchers will receive more than PLN 487 million for the projects implemented as part of basic research.


Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, and the Faculty of International and Political Studies obtained the largest number of grants. Below you can find the list of financed grants:


Critical study and modern edition of Richard Kilvington's commentary on Aristotle's "On generation and corruption" based on preserved manuscript copies of the Latin text. (dr hab. Robert Jan Podkoński, Center for the Philosophy of Nature)

An Aesthetic of Wonder: Media Art and the Senses in the Airspace (dr Marek Michał Wojtaszek, Faculty of International and Political Studies, UL)

When Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes the ad: Experimental research on consumer responses to AI-generated content in advertising (dr hab. Małgorzata Karpińska-Krakowiak, Faculty of International and Political Studies, UL)

Political dimension of violence against cities. Urbicide in Palestine - a case study. (dr hab. Dorota Golańska, Faculty of Philology, UL)

MONASTIC POLITICS: POWER AND STATUS IN RELIGIOUS ORDERS. Evidence from Polish monastic institutions (dr hab. Maciej Potz, Faculty of International and Political Studies, UL)

Legal restrictions on entry, stay and residence of the third-country nationals in times of emergency in the EU(dr hab. Jacek Chlebny, Faculty of Law and Administration, UL)

The course of COVID-19 disease in the aspect of immune response and genetic variability of the host and SARS-CoV-2 (dr Dominik Strapagiel, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL - Consortium: 1. Institute of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Nauk; 2. University of Lodz; 3. Medical University of Lodz; Faculty of Medicine)

DNA polymerase θ as a novel therapeutic target in personalized anticancer therapy (prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Adam Śliwiński, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL)

The influence of environmental and climate conditions in Eocene Europe on contemporary fauna of nematoceran Diptera.(dr Soszyńska-Maj Agnieszka/prof. dr hab. Krzemiński Wiesław: Consortium: 1. Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals of the Polish Academy of Sciences; 2. University of Lodz; Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)

Electrodes' surface modification with new perylene derivatives and study of electrode-semiconductor interfaces in printed organic optoelectronic devices (prof. Dr hab. Kowalczyk Paweł: Consortium: 1. Lodz University of Technology; Faculty of Chemistry; 2. University of Lodz; Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics; 3. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; Faculty of Chemistry)

Impact of extreme events (droughts and fires) on the role of temperate mire ecosystems in the greenhouse gas balance - long-term studies with eddy-covariance method in the Biebrza National Park (prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Fortuniak, Faculty of Geographical Sciences) 


Tyrosine-modified polyethylenimine polymers as a promising vector for siRNA delivery in synergistic cancer immunotherapy. (mgr Małgorzata Kubczak, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL)

Understanding the molecular mechanism of toxic action of the most dangerous trichothecene - T-2 toxin (mgr Edyta Wioleta Janik, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL)

Electrochemically controlled polarized liquid – liquid interface modification with polyamides (mgr Karolina Anna Kowalewska, Faculty of Chemistry, UL)

OPUS is a competition addressed at all researchers, regardless of their research experience and scientific degree, in which you can apply for funding a research project, involving purchase or production of scientific-research equipment. Moreover – as National Science Centre (NCN) informs – formula of the OPUS 19 competition has been extended to include certain elements of HARMONIA competition, which resulted in a possibility to apply for funding of research projects carried out in bilateral or multilateral international cooperation as well as initiatives, the realization of which involves the use of large-scale international research infrastructure by the Polish research teams.

PRELUDIUM is a competition addressed at individuals who are just starting their scientific career and who are not PhD degree holders.  Under the competition you can apply for granting finances for realization of a project, the research team of which consists of maximum 3 researchers – including the Principal Investigators and scientific adviser. In the 19t edition of the competition 1672 applications of a total value of almost PLN 246 mln were submitted. Of them the team of experts qualified 243 projects to be financed. They received an amount of more than PLN 36 mln.

The project proposals submitted for financing under National Science Centre competitions may be realized in three research areas: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering. Applications from each of the areas are assessed by a team of experts consisting of Polish and international outstanding scientists. Based on their opinion, a decision is taken which of the submitted projects will receive funds for their realization.

Ranking lists of all the projects qualified for funding under OPUS 19 and PRELUDIUM 19 competitions are available on the website of the National Science Centre.  

University of Lodz is one of the biggest universities in Poland. Its mission is to educate top-class scientists and specialists in numerous fields of humanities, social sciences, natural and exact sciences as well as health sciences. UniLodz cooperates with business, both at the staff level by providing qualified employees as well as at the scientific level, by offering its know-how to enterprises from various areas of economy. University of Lodz is an academic institution open to the world – the number of its international students is constantly growing, while its Polish students, thanks to Exchange programmes, get to know Europe, Asia and travel overseas. The University is a part of Lodz, it operates for and with the community of Lodz by getting involved in many socio-cultural projects. 

Material: Science in Poland, NCN 

Edit: Promotion Centre, UL