prof. Andrzej Indrzejczakindrzej.jpg
head of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science
Institute of Philosophy
University of Łódź
3/5 Lindleya St.
91-131 Łódź
pokój 321
☎ (+42) 635-61-31



  • 1989: M.A. in Cultural Studies (Faculty of Philology at the University of Łódź)
  • 1993: M.A. in Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Łódź)
  • 1997: Ph.D. in Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Łódź)
    thesis' title: Sequent- and premise-based formalisations of propositional modal logics (in Polish)
  • 2007: D.Sc. in Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Łódź)
    thesis' title: Hybrid deductive systems in modal logics (in Polish)
  • 2015: Professor of Humanities

Professional experience

  • 1992—1997: assistant professor in the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science at the University of Łódź
  • 1997—2007: adjunct professor in the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science at the University of Łódź
  • 2007—2017: associate professor at the University of Łódź
  • 2017—today: full professor at the University of Łódź

  • 1999—2007: adjunct professor in the Department of Philosophy at the Higher School of Humanities and Economics in Łódź
  • 2007—2014: associate professor at the Higher School of Humanities and Economics (later: Academy of Humanities and Economics) in Łódź

  • 2003—2014: logic courses coordinator at the Polish Virtual University
  • 2007—2014: head of the Section of General Methodology at the University of Łódź
  • 2015—today: head of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science at the University of Łódź

Courses taught

  • introductory, i.a., logic, philosophy, foundations of mathematics
  • advanced: Logic II (introduction to non-classical logics), seminars in philosophical logic, Methodology of humanities (doctoral course)
  • monographic lectures (i.a., Proof theory, Possible worlds: Introduction to modal logic, Logic and time: Introduction to temporal logic, Reasoning, argumentation, proof, Metalogic)



  • Proof theory for non-classical logics, in particular practical applications of proof methods and their combinations (hybrid systems), natural methods of proof search, algorithms and heuristics
  • Methodology of sequent calculi: methods of proving cut elimination, extensions onto non-classical logics, antirealistic approach to the meaning of logical constants
  • Applications of non-classical logics to formal analysis of traditional philosophical problems, e.g., the analysis of time via temporal logics
  • Theory of reasoning and argumentation, classification of arguments, topoi and rhetorical ploys, logical problems with argument assessment (validity and credibility etc.)
  • Methodology of social sciences, in particular problems related to text interpretation, analysis of different approaches to scientific foundations of humanities, logical foundations of typology


  • Music: I enjoy many different genres, but my favourite are jazz and rock of the 1970s (e.g., Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Weather Report, Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny, Carlos Santana, King Crimson)
  • Film: for me, Italian cinematography is matchless, especially Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Pier Paolo Pasolini. But the best film of all times is A Clockwork Orange by Stanley Kubrick
  • Literature: several good authors worth recommending: Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, Ryszard Kapuściński, Stanisław Lem, Jaroslav Hašek, Stephen King
  • History of Ancient Greece, Rome and Early Middle Ages; books by Aleksander Krawczuk are still the best way to enter the topic



  • Elementy logiki (Elements of logic), Łódź: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej, 2004, pp. 248.
Elementy logiki
  • Hybrydowe systemy dedukcyjne w logikach modalnych (Hybrid deductive systems in modal logics) (habilitation), Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2006, pp. 288.
Hybrydowe systemy
  Natural deduction
  • Rachunki sekwentowe w logice klasycznej (Sequent calculi in classical logic), Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2013, pp. X+299.
Rachunki sekwentowe
  • Trends in Logic XIII. Gentzen's and Jaśkowski's Heritage. 80 Years of Natural Deduction and Sequent Calculi, A. Indrzejczak, J. Kaczmarek, M. Zawidzki (eds) , Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2014, pp. 270.
Trends in Logic
  • Metody Logiki. Dedukcja (Methods of logic. Deduction) (co-author: Marek Nowak), Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2016, pp. 132.
Metody logiki
  Elementy logiki matematycznej
  Sequents and trees

    Articles in journals and monographs

    Edition of journal special issues

    Short papers and extended abstracts

    Online textbooks

    • Wstęp do logiki. Materiały do nauczania logiki przez Internet (Introduction to Logic. Materials for Online Logic Courses), Warsaw: Polish Virtual University, 2003.
    • Logika i argumentacja. Materiały do nauczania logiki przez Internet (Logic and Argumentation. Materials for Online Logic Courses), Warsaw: Polish Virtual University, 2005.
    • Logika i semiotyka. Materiały do nauczania logiki przez Internet (Logic and Semiotics. Materials for Online Logic Courses), Warsaw: Polish Virtual University, 2006.
    • Zadania z logiki formalnej (Exercises in Formal Logic), Warsaw: Polish Virtual University, 2008
    • Zadania z logiki i semiotyki (Exercises in Logic and Semiotics), Warsaw: Polish Virtual University, 2008


    • Kino drugiego stopnia (Second-order cinema), Iluzjon, 36:14—20, 1989.
    • Sprawozdanie z konferencji "Logic Colloquium '96, San Sebastian" (Conference Report: "Logic Colloquim '96. San Sebastian"), Ruch Filozoficzny, LIV(1):192—193, 1997.
    • Recenzja książki H. Wansinga "Displaying Modal Logic" (Review of Heinrich Wansing's "Displaying Modal Logic"), Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi, Logika i Filozofia, R. Kleszcz (ed.), 2(7):113—115, 2000.
    • Konferencja "Logiki Nieklasyczne — teoria i zastosowania" (próba podsumowania) (The Conference "Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications" (Summary)), Ruch Filozoficzny, LXVI(2):335—340, 2009.



    • 80 Years of Natural Deduction and Sequent Calculus
      • Principal investigator: Andrzej Indrzejczak
      • Duration of the project: 7th August 2012—6th December 2014
      • Grant number: 2011/03/B/HS1/04366
      • Funding body: National Science Centre, Poland
      • Call: OPUS 2
      • Amount: 106 530 PLN
    • Sequent- and Tableau-based Proof Systems for Nonclassical Logics
      • Principal Investigator: Andrzej Indrzejczak
      • Duration of the project: 15th January 2018—14th January 2023
      • Grant number: 2017/25/B/HS1/01268
      • Funding body: National Science Centre, Poland
      • Call: OPUS 13
      • Amount: 364 680 PLN
      • Project team: dr Michał Zawidzki (investigator), Yaroslav Petrukhin, MA (PhD student)
      • Project description: Applications of non-classical logics of different sort in computer science, cognitive science, artificial intelligence and other areas are common nowadays. One cannot even imagine today's life without using various devices which are strongly based on theoretical solutions developed in the framework of various nonclassical logics. Some of them, like modal logics or higher order logics, simply extend classical logic, whereas other, like linear logic, fuzzy, or relevant logics, modify significantly its properties. In particular, modal logics deserve special attention due to their usefulness. The aim of the project is the investigation of some important proof systems for nonclassical logics. We will focus on sequent and tableau calculi in standard and generalised form, and their application to widely understood modal logics. Both sequent and tableau calculi are one of the most interesting proof systems applied in proof theoretical research and in automated deduction. Modal logics form a wide class of important extensions of classical logics which are extensively applied to formalize temporal, epistemic, deontic and many other notions. In particular we are going:
        1. To develop some new proof systems and compare their behaviour with other known solutions. In particular, we focus on the generalised version of sequent calculus called hypersequent calculus and on labelled tableau systems.
        2. To study different methods of proving essential features of sequent and tableau calculi which facilitate actual practice of proof. These include methods of proving admissibility of cut rule and termination of proof search.
    • Coming to Terms: Proof Theory Extended to Definite Descriptions and other Terms (ExtenDD)
      • Principal investigator: Andrzej Indrzejczak
      • Duration of the project: 1 October 2022—30 September 2027
      • Grant number: 101054714
      • Funding body: European Research Council
      • Call: Advanced Grant 2021
      • Amount: 1 629 775 EUR
      • Project team: dr Nils Kürbis (investigator), dr Przemysław Wałęga (post-doc), dr Michał Zawidzki (post-doc), Yaroslav Petrukhin, MA (PhD student/post-doc)
      • Project description: The project is concerned with two areas which so far have rarely come together: complex terms and proof theory. ExtenDD focuses on definite descriptions as the most important and troublesome singular terms and on sequent calculus and its generalizations as the most important tool of modern proof theory. Since Russell's 'On Denoting', regarded as a paradigm of analytic philosophy, definite descriptions occupy a central place in philosophical research and many deep and detailed studies have been carried out. The second half of the 20th century saw the development of new approaches to this phenomenon based on non-classical logics, in particular free logic in which, contrary to Frege's and Russell's classical logic, it is not assumed that every term refers. Yet despite the long history of research into definite descriptions, a paradigm of formal logic has so far rarely been applied to them: proof theory. The methods developed by Gentzen, in particular those relating to his sequent calculus, provide the means for the deepest study of proofs and their properties. Yet only a small effort has so far been put into the adequate treatment of definite descriptions in this framework. The same counts for other complex singular terms such as set abstracts and number operators. ExtenDD fills this important gap in research. Applying the methods of proof theory to definite descriptions is profitable to both sides. Competing theories of definite descriptions and complex terms in general, their advantages and shortcomings, are shown in a new light. The behaviour of complex terms needssubtle syntactical analysis and requires enriching the toolkit of proof theory. ExtenDD deals with both challenges: it develops formal theories of definite descriptions and modifies the machinery of proof theory to cover new areas of application. The realization of ExtenDD affects significantly the field of proof theory, automated deduction and philosophy of language.
      • Project website: https://uni.lodz.pl/extendd


    Organizing committees of conferences

    • Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications
      • I: 2008, September, 4—6, Łódź, Poland
      • II: 2009, September, 17—19, Łódź, Poland
      • III: 2010, September, 16—18, Toruń, Poland
      • IV: 2011, September, 27—29, Łódź, Poland
      • V: 2012, September, 27—29, Toruń, Poland
      • VI: 2013, September, 4—6, Łódź, Poland
      • VII: 2015, September, 24—26, Toruń, Poland
      • VIII: 2016, September, 5—7, Łódź, Poland
      • IX: 2018, September, 24—27, Toruń, Poland
      • X: 2022, March, 14—18, Łódź, Poland
      • XI: 2024, September, 5—8, Łódź, Poland
    • Trends in Logic XIII, 2014, July, 2—5, Łódź, Poland
    • University — Philosophy as the Foundation of Knowledge, Action and Ethos, 2015, June, 11—13, Łódź, Poland (program committee)

    Editorial boards of journals and series

    Reviewing for journals